Thursday 14 June 2012

Amusing Anagrams - Political

Adolph Hitler - Heil, old fart!
The Austrian, Adolf Hitler
1) Flatulent; shit; diarrhoea!
2) Ah, found treaties a thrill!
3) Hint: hateful oral tirades

Chairman Mao - I am on a march

Conservative George Osborne - Abortive revenge on scrooges!

David Cameron Tory leader
1) Decry liar n' adore mad vote
2) Dear! Valid comradery, Eton
3) Oddly, never aromatic, dear!
4) An ideal voter? Dry, comrade!
David Cameron, Conservative MP
Over advance, smart demonic VIP
David William Donald Cameron
I am low-minded, cordial vandal

Election promises
1) Come-ons - lies - tripe.
2) Cop Tories' lies, men!
3) Oops, lies! Me, cretin!
4) Promotes nice lies

Election resultsLies – let’s recount

Emperor Octavian - Captain over Rome

English politicians - Spin legislation (hic!)

George Bush - He bugs Gore
President Bush of the USA - A fresh one, but he's stupid

Houses of Parliament
1) Home of spin? True alas!
2) Shameful operations
3) Loonies far up the Thames
4) A hateful spoonerism
5) Loathe nefarious MPs
6) Meet piranhas so foul

Liberal Democrat Chris Huhne MP - Spellbound? I am the rich charmer

Margaret Thatcher
That great charmer
The Downing Street Years - The autobiography of Margaret Thatcher
The truth? Eighteen so-arrogant years of Tory greed. A `PM'? What a bitch!
Baroness Thatcher, The Iron Lady
Ted Heath scar 'n' Tony Blair's hero

Members of Parliament
1) Pantomimers: mere flab
2) Fine memorable tramps
3) Fine memorable rat MPs

Monica Lewinsky
1) Nice silky woman
2) Coy Seminal wink 
3) Canine milky sow

Nicholas Clegg
Cash Con ill egg!
Nicholas William Peter Clegg
Accompanist, he’ll wriggle, lie!

1) Rampant Lie!
2) Er, napalm it!
3) Armpit Lane

Right Honourable Ann Widdecombe
Board broom-handle, genuine witch

Right Honourable John Prescott - I run both topnotch Jags eh, Errol!

The Conservative Party
1) Teacher in vast poverty
2) Not very private cheats
3) Re-activate NHS poverty
4) Revive a snotty chapter
5) Oath prevents veracity
6) Can't revive Tory past, eh?
7) Vast veteran hypocrite
8) Reach vain petty voters
9) O teach perverts vanity
10) Penetrative, Tory chavs

The Liberal Party Conference
Note: In a beer hall. Cry "Perfect!

The British Parliament
1) Hint the imperial brats
2) BNP merits a hit (A Hitler)
3) MPs, we fornicate tales!

The House of Commons
1) O home of honest scum
2) Oh home of some c_ _ ts

The House of Lords
1) Household of rest
 2) Use dosh for hotel

The Palace of Westminster
1) Men sit, chop welfare state
2) Earnest half-wits compete
3) Few contemplate their ass
4) No welfare state ethic, MPs?
5) Cafe on L'Thames. Tripe stew!
6) We elect fat misanthropes

The Right Honourable Michael Howard MP
Highbrow, cramped, holier-than-thou male

The Right Honourable Virginia Bottomley MP

I am an evil, thoroughly impotent, big brother

Virginia Bottomley MP
I'm a vomiting Tory pleb
Virginia Bottomley, Heritage Secretary
A legitimate, overbearing, hysteric Tory
Virginia Bottomley, Health Secretary
1) I am the Tory bellyacher investigator
2) Glory be! I'm a vile or nasty Thatcherite
3) The rich, emotionally-bitter savagery
4) Over-elaborate genitals rhythmicity

Rt Hon Theresa May
1) Shh! Tory man-eater
2) Rah! Heats tory men 
3) Tarty? Shame on her!

Tony Blair
1) Lay Briton
2) Libyan Rot

William Hague - Wail, I hug male!
William Jefferson Hague - Jeer of shameful wailing

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